Sales Tsunami Interview and Bonus!

Listen below to an interview I recently did with Mike Hill, creator of Sales Tsunami. When I first heard of Mike's product, I thought it sounded cool but honestly didn't pay too much attention. Then I started hearing more and more about this product and the creator, so I setup an interview to dig up some awesome secrets for you. And after doing the interview and talking to Mike on his product for awhile, I can tell you straight up that this will be one of the best information products released this year from a REAL marketing insider. But don't take my word for it -- listen to the interview below and then read about our awesome bonuses below:

Internet Explorer users can click here and listen to Koz's interview with Mike Hill

Koz and Dr. Mike's Sales Tsunami Bonus

If you purchase Sales Tsunami through my link above, I'm going to let you use "My Traffic Team" for 90 DAYS. In fact, you'll get to have my project manager, who will write articles, setup blog traffic, create backlinks, etc. - the whole nine yards ... everything you need to get a steady stream of traffic, backlinks, articles, better search engine rankings, etc.. They'll do the same services for you that they do for my own websites. But you have to use this link below:

Click here to check out Sales Tsunami and to claim your bonus

Simply purchase, and then email us at with your receipt.

Koz and Dr. Mike

P.S. Because of this we have to limit this to the next EIGHT people who purchase. I have yet to meet anyone who has not been happy with Sales Tsunami...It gets our highest recommendation.